(重定向自 Develop.PythonGetWinProcessList)
You could use WMI. >>> from win32com.client import GetObject >>> WMI = GetObject('winmgmts:') Here is how to get the process list: >>> processes = WMI.InstancesOf('Win32_Process') >>> len(processes) 41 >>> [process.Properties_('Name').Value for process in processes] # get the process names [u'System Idle Process', u'System', u'SMSS.EXE', u'CSRSS.EXE', u'WINLOGON.EXE', u'SERVICES.EXE', u'LSASS.EXE', u'SVCHOST.EXE', u'SVCHOST.EXE', u'SVCHOST.EXE', u'SVCHOST.EXE', u'SPOOLSV.EXE', u'ati2evxx.exe', u'BAsfIpM.exe', u'defwatch.exe', u'inetinfo.exe', u'mdm.exe', u'rtvscan.exe', u'SCARDSVR.EXE', u'WLTRYSVC.EXE', u'BCMWLTRY.EXE', u'EXPLORER.EXE', u'Apoint.exe', u'carpserv.exe', u'atiptaxx.exe', u'quickset.exe', u'DSentry.exe', u'Directcd.exe', u'vptray.exe', u'ApntEx.exe', u'FaxCtrl.exe', u'digstream.exe', u'CTFMON.EXE', u'wuauclt.exe', u'IEXPLORE.EXE', u'Pythonwin.exe', u'MMC.EXE', u'OUTLOOK.EXE', u'LineMgr.exe', u'SAPISVR.EXE', u'WMIPRVSE.EXE'] Here is how to get a single process and get its PID. >>> p = WMI.ExecQuery('select * from Win32_Process where Name="Pythonwin.exe"') >>> [prop.Name for prop in p[0].Properties_] # let's look at all the process property names [u'Caption', u'CommandLine', u'CreationClassName', u'CreationDate', u'CSCreationClassName', u'CSName', u'Description', u'ExecutablePath', u'ExecutionState', u'Handle', u'HandleCount', u'InstallDate', u'KernelModeTime', u'MaximumWorkingSetSize', u'MinimumWorkingSetSize', u'Name', u'OSCreationClassName', u'OSName', u'OtherOperationCount', u'OtherTransferCount', u'PageFaults', u'PageFileUsage', u'ParentProcessId', u'PeakPageFileUsage', u'PeakVirtualSize', u'PeakWorkingSetSize', u'Priority', u'PrivatePageCount', u'ProcessId', u'QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage', u'QuotaPagedPoolUsage', u'QuotaPeakNonPagedPoolUsage', u'QuotaPeakPagedPoolUsage', u'ReadOperationCount', u'ReadTransferCount', u'SessionId', u'Status', u'TerminationDate', u'ThreadCount', u'UserModeTime', u'VirtualSize', u'WindowsVersion', u'WorkingSetSize', u'WriteOperationCount', u'WriteTransferCount'] >>> p[0].Properties_('ProcessId').Value # get our ProcessId 928 Note that this is the syntax used after running makepy against WMI. You could also use the module at this site: http://tgolden.sc.sabren.com/python/wmi.html Christian > -----Original Message----- > From: S.Holmgren [mailto:stefan_holmgren at msn.com] > Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2003 4:38 PM > To: python-win32 at python.org > Subject: [python-win32] How to get the active process list? > > > Is it possible to get the process list in windows... > I want to search for an active process by name and return the pid!! > > Thanx > Holmis > > > >